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Traditional Puja Unit

Traditional Puja Unit is a go to place for prayer and meditation. Its commonly designed as per Vastu. It is advised to be set up in the northeastern corner of a home. You can have a usual and popular design or be creative in the design and color while making a Traditional Puja Unit in the prayer room. You can get a new Traditional Puja Unit at an affordable price.
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1. Wooden Carvings - A Traditional Puja Unit with wooden carvings on the door lets you peak into the room any time you feel like just taking a quick look inside to connect with faith. You can place colorful tones to add to the overall look.

2. Temple Bells - When little bells are decorated within a pooja unit design, it adds a modern creative and a traditional faith feel to the structure. In these pooja room, interior designers use temple bells of brass and wood.

3. Marble Puja Unit - A Traditional Puja Unit features light color marble base. It can host Idols and wallpapers.

4. Jaali Puja Unit - You can install Jaali in the above the ground, floating Puja Unit. This Puja Unit looks good in White and bright colors. You can build one or more open shelves and place any number of Idols, Photos or Diyas. They have wooden panels on both sides.

5. Rose Wood Puja Unit - Design a reminiscent Puja Unit with a reddish brown rosewood material. This unit has columns on either side or brass bells.

6. Customized Puja Unit - If you already know what you want, and its a mix and match of different ideas, you can ask for a customized unit. Wood, Glass, Intricate Doors, Wallpapers and more.

Select a divine and elegant design for your Traditional Puja Unit and have it created as per your directions. Enjoy your prayer time.

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