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Pets for Teenagers: How Important it is for their well-being?

Pets for Teenagers: How Important it is for their well-being?

Pets for Teenagers: How Important it is for their well-being?



"You'll never walk alone because I'll always be with you,

Love, Your Dog"


pets for teenagers


Teenage is the most troubled and hard time of an individual's development. During this stage, a lot of changes happen and teens tend to experiment with a lot of things.


They often are conflicted with self-identity and role confusion during this time of life.


Teenagers are more prone to psychological and emotional issues at this age. Owning a pet can be extremely beneficial for them, to explore and feel safe.



Do Pets improve Teenagers Well-Being?


Studies have found that owning pets can be beneficial for an individual's physical and emotional well-being.


do pets improve teenagers well-being


Teenage is the time when adolescents get affected by various psychological disorders like anxiety, depression, ADHD, etc.


Having a pet can be extremely beneficial to help them cope with their emotional and psychological illness.


Pets especially dogs and Cats sense depression and anxiety. Pets are proven to improve teens' self-esteem, reduce stress levels and increase the production of feel-good hormones.



Best 5 Pets for Teenagers



1. Dogs as Pets


dogs and pets


Having dogs can discipline teens and provide them with a sense of responsibility and improve their social skills. As a teen pet owner, one has to take the dogs for a walk, do toilet training, do exercise along with their dogs, and take them for a bathroom break, etc.


Since Teenage is a turbulent period, dogs can lift your teen's mood and help with their emotional regulations. Teens often need acceptance, love, and support which dogs provide unconditionally.


To better help teens, adults can train their dogs in organizations like Happy paws, happy tails. 


Golden Retrievers are the best emotional support dogs for depression and anxiety among teenagers.



2. Cats as Pets


Cats as pets


Cats are perfect for cuddling because of their fuzzy nature. If one can't have dogs, they can opt for cats. Cats love company and can better match teens' unpredictable personalities. 


Cats provide the needed boost for their teen owners, Teens are more prone to anxiety, and cats can sense them and provide them a safe environment. They help them relax and attend to the world.



3. Reptiles as Pets


reptiles as pets


Reptiles are best suited for teens because they don't find it entertaining to take their dogs for late-night walks or bathroom breaks every day.


Reptiles like turtles, lizards, or snakes don't need daily walks. They just need their daily dose of food.


The only problem with having reptiles as pets is some kids can be allergic to them and often feel sick. If your teen is not prone to sickness, reptiles are the best for exploration and entertainment.



4. Birds as Pets for Teenagers


birds as pets for teengars


Birds can be expensive to maintain and take care of.  After dogs and cats, birds can match the energy levels of teens and be friendly to them.


Cocktails and Parakeets are the best pets for teens because of their low maintenance, easy training, and comfortable nature. 



5. Exotic Fish as Pets for Teenagers


Exotic fish as pets for teengers


Fishes can be a better option for teens because they facilitate exploration and learning among them.


Though fishes don't cuddle, they do need appropriate checking of the water temperature, cleanliness, food intake, and salinity.


Teens can learn to be responsible by having exotic fishes as their pets like Oscars, eels, betta fish, and goldfish.



Can therapy pets increase teenager's well-being too?


Interaction with therapy dogs and therapy cats can reduce stress levels and lift our moods just like the pets we own.


can therapy pets increase teenager’s well-being


Therapy dogs are great for someone who is experiencing depression, anxiety, PTSD. They will help teens to keep their emotions and anxiety levels in check. They help increase their pets overall well-being.


Dogs can be trained by specialised organisation happy paws, and happy tails to become therapy dogs.




Teenage is a turbulent period in an individual's life. It's filled with mixed emotional reactions, identity crisis, stress, parental and external pressure, anxiety, etc.


Having a pet can help teens, in the long run, to keep their emotions in check, be responsible and increase their social skills.

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